Posted by Loco Jones on 11/18/05 04:38
> On Thu, 10 Nov 2005, Edward Teach wrote:
> > I heard on a recent radio news broadcast that lawmakers are considering
> > penalties of up to six years in prison for P2P file sharers. Welcome to the
> > U$A.
Dana wrote:
> That is why winmx went down in the first place. The isps are cracking down
> on this downloading and sharing files.
< top posting corrected >
Uhhh... Dana? If you've been following the news on this issue, it is
NOT "the isps" cracking down. It's the RIAA threatening via a "cease
and desist" letter to purveyors of software, such as WinMX, which
resulted in them voluntarily shuttering their operations. The basis of
those threats can be found in the recent Grokster ruling - shall I
presume you are are least nominally familiar with that?
[Aside to Edward Teach:
It may only be the "U$A" considering the ludicrous proposal of prison
time for file-sharers, but if you view what's happening on a global
scale courtesy of the Copyright Cartel, you will see that no country is
immune. We are dealing with a very well funded, worldwide organization
here - and so far, the courts favour the copyright holder.]
- Loco -
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