Posted by bunanson(nospam) on 12/08/05 04:14
attracted by the infamous "Je t'aime, moi non plus", do some digging,
found the web site,
It appeared that she has quite an interesting career path, more than
just a one hit wonder.
"In 1985 Charlotte Gainsbourg also prolonged the family tradition of
media scandals, when she played the starring role in Gainsbourg's new
film "Charlotte forever". The film, which revolved around a vaguely
incestuous relationship between a father and daughter (both Serge and
Charlotte played themselves in the film) did not fail to provoke
public outrage. The single "Lemon Incest" (which Gainsbourg performed
as a duet with Charlotte) also caused a veritable furore when it was
released later that year
Even with the above story, it does not diminish my admiration of the
pair Gainsbourg/Birkin. Well, I do hold a double standard for artist,
I guess. Dont we look the other way with, eh, Woody Allen? Roman
Polanski? Federico Fellini? Just want to burb out something about
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