Posted by FatKat on 12/18/05 18:07
Tester wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Dec 2005 07:07:59 -0700, "Jim Sutherland"
> <sutherjim@comcast.net> wrote:
> >Please help! I'm running XP Pro and this error started a couple of weeks
> >ago. Tried re-installing WinMX, no help there. Not to be paranoid or
> >anything but I can't help but think Bill Gates is trying to shut WinMX down.
> >Any other XP users with such a problem? And did you fix it? How?
> >
> Yep he got me too
It doesn't take Bill Gates to snare laziness. There are several
possible explanations for what's going on here that don't involve
conspiracies of Bill Gates (WTF!??!?!) and the Musical/Industrial
Complex. You've simply tried to download a corrupted, probably fake
file - an explanation you could have easily hit upon yourslef w/o
posting simply by googling "winmx" and "shutdown" or "error".
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