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Re: Diddy Was A DUD for MTV / audience to MTV's Video Music Awards plunged 22%.

Posted by FatKat on 10/05/26 11:25

Perhaps this was one of those times when America (and the rest of the
world) just couldn't tear themselves away long enough from the travails
of thousands of catastrophe victims to watch a pitiful group of shallow
and facile celebrities show off their crap. If Puffy or Diddy or Did
or whatever he wants to call himself wanted to prove how much a man he
really was (and not some shell upon which he'd draped thousands of
dollars in jewelry, cosmetics & designer clothing), he could have left
the bling at home. .

I used to enjoy VMA - it was part of my end-of-the-summer routine. MTV
culture mixed social awareness and the kooky off-beat personalities of
recording artists of varying stripes with just a dose of celeb worship.
That was when MTV used to actually be about music, rather than the
cars, clothes & cribs of those who produced it as a commodity, and the
stars had an identity and talent apart from their external appearances
- now of course, it's the externals that matter more than anything



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