Posted by Joel on 09/04/05 21:51
"dadiOH" <dadiOH@wherever.com> wrote:
>I don't use and have never had wma files (DRM or not) but is there
>anything wrong with either recording/encoding the output or writing to
>an audio disc (CD-RW so it can be reused) and ripping that disc while
>encoding to the codec du jour?
That is obviously the way to go, and any numbskull could figure it out
without sending the OP $20. If he really spent "hundreds of dollars
and hours" on figuring such a simple thing out, he has no business
giving out computer advice during this and his next five lifetimes.
Joel Crump
"Of course, it is ironic that a media company [Fox News Channel] that
should be seeking to protect the First Amendment is seeking to
undermine it by claiming a monopoly on the phrase 'fair and balanced.'"
- Judge Denny Chin, referring to Fox News accusing Al Franken of
trademark infringement.
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