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Normalising large low-Q collection

Posted by hog.badger on 10/21/05 11:20

I'm making a large low-quality collection for my parents who are
bedridden. I'll get them an auto-changer that plays MP3s so that with
the low quality (which they won't notice) they'll get heaps and heaps
of music.

The problem with such a varied collection is the variable volume
levels. These people cannot be turning the volume up and down every
few minutes, so I'm going to have to normalise all the volume levels.

As I'm going to have to re-encode from my high-quality MP3s anyway, it
would have been nice if LAME had a 'normalise volume' option, but it
doesn't, as far as I can see.

So instead of going straight from high-quality MP3s to low-quality MP3s
using LAME's --mp3 option, I might have to convert them all to WAVs,
normalise the WAVs, and then convert to low-quality MP3s. A lot of
fiddling about.

Can anybody reccommend the right tools for this job... something that
will batch normalise either MP3s or WAVs. I don't want to have to load
them up into an editor and normalise them manually.




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