Posted by Keith G on 10/26/05 17:57
"Joel" <joelx@usa.net> wrote
<more silly shit snipped>
> Which is his goal to begin with. By obsessing over unwanted
> crossposted messages to the newsgroup you're reading, you become the
> silliest little boy of all. Perhaps it gives you some fleeting
> feeling of power, but if so, you really need to get out more.
Nice strong start, straight in with the acerbic, incisive polemic which I
would have though would be worth 7/10 (couldn't make it more than that -
strange punctuation) then you spoil it with the above paragraph, which is
too cliched to make it more than, say, 6/10...
Then comes the funny name...
> --
> Joel Crump
So that's a five....
(If that's your real name I'd sue me parents, if I were you.. ;-)
And then this crap....
> "Of course, it is ironic that a media company [Fox News Channel] that
> should be seeking to protect the First Amendment is seeking to
> undermine it by claiming a monopoly on the phrase 'fair and balanced.'"
> - Judge Denny Chin, referring to Fox News accusing Al Franken of
> trademark infringement.
....knocks it all the way down to a 4!! (Sorry, but I'm being generous here!!
Care to try again..?? :-)
(Why do these pumped-up, self-important clowns *always* have these fucking
stupid *sigs*...??)
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