Posted by blum100 on 11/15/05 16:45
On 15 Nov 2005 12:23:53 GMT, "fred-bloggs"
<fred-bloggs@hahahotmail.com> wrote:
>blum100@comcast.net wrote in news:rmain1177mjocrls0pgodckbngqho0sm9c@
>> I noticed something odd while converting some Wavs to Mp3s (192) for
>> emailing. When I played the converted MP3 on Winamp, the EQ bars
>> showed more high end than the original Wav.No other EQing was done
>> just a straight conversion fromMS PCM Wav to Mp3. I thought the wav
>> was lossless as opposed to the Mp3. What's up with that? Anyone?
>> Jay
>Do you HEAR more *top*? I wouldn't trust WinAmp.
>Load the mp3 back into Audition and do a frequency analysis on it.
>If indeed there is more top, try a different mp3 encoder
>Lame 3.97 beta
I loaded the wav and then the mp3 back to audition for a frequency
analysis and the mp3 came up with a blank window, the wav showed the
frequencies. Do I need to do something to make the mp3 frequencies
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