Posted by Skinner1 on 11/16/05 01:23
On Sat, 3 Sep 2005 15:47:13 -0400, "Zombie Wolf" <zmbwf@gwi.net>
>But you know what ? There is an old saying, and it still rings true
>"As long as you can still play it, you can copy it"
>I dont have any trouble at all running a jumper from one sound card in one
>machine to another card in the other, and recording the audio, as a wav
>file, and then using something like audiograbber, and the lame encoder, i
>can make that into an mp3 that has no DRM stuff on it at all....
>When they make these files so that you can't play them at all, nobody will
>buy them, and that is a fact.
Never underestimate the leading characteristicts of today's Sheeple.
People are sheep man.... They will follow you off the edge of a cliff
if you package the trip properly!!!
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