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Re: Does a Walkman CD/MP3 player fast forward thru MP3 files?

Posted by FatKat on 11/30/05 00:05

Dred wrote:
> why would you buy a cd/mp3 player? choose one or the other. personally,
> if you have a computer i can't imagine why you would want a cd player
> unless you like carrying around the extra weight.

I think he means a CD player that plays mp3-encoded disks. I have a
Panasonic - a cheap one. The point is that it will play music off a CD
holding about 700 mb of MP3 music for less than the price of a 512mb
player. You don't have to reload music - just swap burnt CD-R's which
you'd probably burn anyway even if you had an iPod, since you'd want to
archive your music. As for weight...the other day I stumbled on my
first CD player, a circa 1987 monster which ran on 4 AA batteries. Now
that was extra weight. Ofcourse there's still the problem that on (at
least some) CD players, you won't get ID tags, you won't be able to
skip w/i MP3 files, and you can only play your files in order rather
than suffle between them as you probably could on a flash player.
Personally, it's a small price to pay for paying the smaller price for
one of those players.



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