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Re: iPod shuffle - loading without iTunes

Posted by Ian Gregory on 10/15/55 11:36

On 2006-01-05, Justin <> wrote:

> So, just what part of
> "I have lived my entire life without windows" is metaphor or analogy?

Assuming that "windows" is refering to the Microsoft Windows
operating system, I wonder how many people who have ever used
a computer could make that statement if it were taken in the
strictest sense? For example, in my case I have probably spent
about 40,000 hours of my life interacting with computers (holy
shit that is scary!) of which perhaps 40 hours was with a machine
running Microsoft Windows (not including things like cash machines,
many of which run some sort of Windows OS, or surfing websites
hosted on Windows servers etc).

But then there is the question of *why* I was using a Windows
box for those 40 hours. Here are the reasons I can recall:

* I was required to by an employer
* To access the Internet and only Windows boxen were available
* I was helping a friend with their Windows box
* It was the easy option for some particular rare task

I am tempted to say that "I have lived my entire life without
windows" but it is not strictly true. On the other hand I can't
think of a better way to express the sentiment.

Here is another analogy. Can someone who has occasionally eaten
meat by accident or meat contaminated food when nothing else
was available say they have lived their entire life as a


Ian Gregory



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