Posted by d'Wooluf on 01/10/06 02:27
According to "dadiOH" <dadiOH@wherever.com> (and I quote):
>First of all, MP3Rat. There are three things I particularly liked about
>it during the month or two I had it installed. In no particular
>1. It is fast in everything it does. Search is virtually instantaneous
>with 40K songs, for example
>2. It has a method whereby the user can set up their own set(s) of
>3. It seems to be an elegant program; i.e., written by someone who knew
He took the guts of his other program 'Powermarks' which is the best
bookmark manager I've seen, and applied it to mp3's.
>Someone posted elsewhere in the thread that no work had been done on it
>for some time. No big thing, IMO...there are two reasons programmers
>update programs - to fix a bug or add "features". If a program is right
>in the first place and already includes necessary features...
That would be me. My favourite program Total Commander seemed pretty well
perfect when I first tried it. Somehow the author makes it a little better
about twice a year. I can't remember the specifics of why MP3Rat didn't
totally float my boat (apart trom the duplicate tag thing), but I find it
hard to believe that it couldn't be tweaked.
>The same person mentioned a redundancy of ID3v1 tags (presumably ID3v1
>and ID3v1.1?). I didn't notice same but if it exists the programmer
>oughta fix it. I wonder if the poster let them know about it?
Fair call about notifiying the author. If you were serious about
maintaining your mp3 program, though, you'd reckon that you'd at least
check for new versions of the id3 specifications from time to time. As for
the duplicate tag problem, it's only 128 extra bytes I suppose. If you use
a third party tagger at any time, you can lose your edits when you make
changes in the Rat. Also there may be unknown effects when you use other
programs to parse your files for whatever reason in the future. I just
didn't like it.
I still think that MP3Rat with a bit of development could have been the mp3
manager I'm looking for. It never even made it past version 1.0.
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