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Re: Buying R1 from

Posted by loz on 10/01/73 11:25

"Owen" <> wrote in message

>> It's the 4 Post Office 'admin' charge that really annoys me. (And it's
>> more with other couriers.) Surely if they agree to deliver the parcel for
>> a fixed sum that should include getting it through customs?

No, because it is an obligation on the purchaser to pay the tax not the
As I understand it, an overseas seller cannot collect UK VAT and Duty when
they sell something (nor would they want to collect it for every single
country they ship to, each with different rates and complex rules, and then
have to settle it with each countries customs department) , so the PO have
to collect it from you on customs behalf when you receive it.
So don't blame the PO or the seller, blame the government and the
politicians you elected for levying duty and tax - or yourself if you didnt
vote (not that any vote is going to stop taxation :-))




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