Posted by higgy on 10/01/05 15:01
"CheggersPop" <vizbuks@vizbuks.con> wrote in
>>> Folks,
>>> I'm after a media player that will allow me to play back video
>>> clips/DVD's on my PC, however I need quite a specific function. I
>>> required a player which will allow me to resize the screen so it
>>> will play-back only taking up about a quarter of the screen, but I
>>> don't want/need any frame (i.e. function buttons/details of
>>> clip/position of clip), just the actual play back frame. It also
>>> need to be always on top. I have a stack of videos/clips to view and
>>> would find it beneficial to do this while tinkering on my PC, but
>>> get annoyed with all the fuss and nonsense sat around the play back
>>> area!?!
>> Media Player Classic can be configured as you describe.
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/guliverkli/
>> --
>> higgy.
> Uuuumm *scratches head*, I have MPC and can't get it to configure with
> just the playback, I must be missing something. Can anyone point me in
> the right direction?
"View/Presets/Minimal". That should leave you with just a video window -
no panels, controls or menus.
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