Posted by Angus Manwaring on 11/16/05 19:03
On 15-Nov-05 23:33:25, Gunther Gloop said
>dinZ wrote:
>> Finished watching part 11 last night and
>...any chance you could say something about this without the spoiler? I
>haven't seen any of it, apart from a brief scene that seemed a bit
>ham-fisted to be honest. I'd love if it was good -but is it?
I've seen both the episodes on TV and think its pretty darn good. I think
the acting is universally of a good quality, and I particuarly like the
relationship of the two soldiers. I've heard some people talk about the
sex and violence being unnecessary but its not over the top, and this
Rome, dammit. There's plenty of story and tension too, so to sum up, on
the strength of what I've seen, I reckon its probably the best show on the
box at the moment.
All the best,
Angus Manwaring. (for e-mail remove ANTISPEM)
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