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dvd tub storage

Posted by pipex on 12/30/05 11:32


I've started storing my dvds in large 100 disc spindle tubs, it's
easier/quicker to find a dvd rather than look through loads of cardboard
boxes etc..
However, I'm concerned that the discs will get damaged or 'stick' together,
damaging them when they are separated.

I've tried searching for some kind of cd cloth / paper sleeves to separate
the discs without success.
The only ones I can find are square, and with 600+ discs it would be a pain
to have to hand cut them to size (round) with centre holes.

I've even tried searching for some kind of plastic washers to separate the
discs but found nothing suitable.

Does anyone else store there dvds this way?


{ST 0024} Empty 100 Disc Spindle Tub



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