Posted by Richard Crowley on 09/04/05 14:18
"eb7g" wrote ...
> There used to be the known problem of audio drifting out of sync on
> long video files. I've been using Sony's DVgate for the last little
> while, which will split the video into 10 minute segments, so I don't
> get any drift. But the other day, I digitized 3 miniDV tapes and saved
> them all as one file per tape.... at about 20 minutes in, the audio
> started to drift and by the end of each tape the audio was out of sync
> almost a full second of time.
> Is this common? How do people without DVgate digitize their audio and
> keep the sound in sync? If I digitize in Premiere, as one large file,
> will the sound be out of sync as well?
> I would have thought this would have been corrected by now. That
> explains why DVgate splits up the video into chunks.
Dunno. I've always captured DV (or DVCAM) directly via
Firewire and in several hundred hours of captures (up to
2 hours long), I've never had a problem with A/V sync.
Are you talking about capturing analog into some cheap
graphics card with "VIVO"? There is unlikely any generic
answer to your question.
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