Posted by Richard Crowley on 09/19/05 19:10
"Michaelv" wrote ...
> How do I store old video projects? A single project can have a large
> number of files, some of them too large for even a DVD. Which types of
> file are important to preserve, which ones to trash? If the project were
> rendered to DVD the matter is even worse. I currently use Pinnacle Studio
> 9 plus, although I also have Vegas 5 and plan to switch to it. Thanks in
> advance.
1. Keep the original source tapes intact. The cost of
whatever was captured on the tape almost always
exceeds the cost of the tape.
2. Capture everything from the tapes using a batch file.
(This preserves the ability to re-capture the clips.)
3. Save all the files it takes to re-create the production.
Like the "project file" (containing the edit decisions),
and the title pages, stills, audio/music/sound effects
files, etc.
4. Typically do NOT need to save the temp/rendered
files as these can be easily re-created by the edit
I save everything except the original captured clips
(which can be re-created from the original tapes plus
the batch-capture list) and the temp/rendered files.
Even with very large productions, the remaining files
always fit on one (or 2-3) data DVDs.
I've even taken large (13GB) AVI files and used a
file-splitter utility to break them up to fit on (multiple)
4.7GB data DVD discs.
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