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what do you recommend for video capture?

Posted by Toby on 10/10/07 11:27

Here's the deal: Usually we satellite stories from Japan to Europe, but
lately Swiss TV has been asking to have them converted and sent via the net.

One of the editors in town has been doing this on his laptop--I don't know
what NLES he is using, but he has been importing the video from his camera
via firewire and then converting the final cut to MPEG and sending it

I'm working on an Avid Meridian Newscutter, which doesn't support file
conversion from its native OMFI format. So what I am going to have to do is
to play out to tape (or anyway to analog), and then capture that playout of
the tape or the Avid on another computer, converting to whatever file format
Switzerland wants. I need some suggestions as to which capture card would be
best to pull in analog video/audio. Nothing fancy needed--just decent
quality NTSC video capture. Probably a notebook card would be preferable,
but I can lug a desktop over if necessary.

Any suggestions or discussion appreciated.





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