Posted by vampiresoup on 10/06/05 22:03
I was wondering if people on this site could give me some advice. Any
help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm basically just looking for people who've used both the GL2 and the
DVX100. I'm trying to decide whether or not it's worth spending the
extra money on the DVX100.
I have no production company and no other editing equipment other than
an ibook and access to FCP. I'm not a cinematographer however I'm not a
complete novice either. I know what an Fstop is, how to whitebalance,
how to use FCP, etc.
I guess my real question is this, should I just stick with the GL2 if
all I want to do is shoot short films with next to no equipment? (I'm
talking a mic taped to a broom handle and a 1K light) I LOVE the 24p
idea but with my limited budget would I be better off just spending the
money I'd save buying a GL2 on other equip for my shoots?
Anyhow. Enough ramblings. Thanks again.
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