Posted by Pat Horridge on 10/10/05 14:20
"SpamTrapSeeSig" <no-one@nospam.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> In article <didn9f$afu$1$8302bc10@news.demon.co.uk>, Pat Horridge
> <pat@remove-spam.vet.co.uk> writes
>>Hi anyone suggest a UK dealer who can actually have a sensible discussion
>>and quote/supply a full blown FCP system?
> Out of interest, what's your definition of "full-blown" in this context?
> Are they supplying player/recorder too, and processing add-ons? Also what
> performance (rendering speed) are you expecting?
> Some of it is how long you want your piece of string...
> Regards,
> Simonm.
> --
> simonm|at|muircom|dot|demon|.|c|oh|dot|u|kay
> SIMON MUIR, BRISTOL UK www.ukip.org
> EUROPEANS AGAINST THE EU www.members.aol.com/eurofaq
> GT250A'76 R80/RT'86 110CSW TD'88 www.kc3ltd.co.uk/profile/eurofollie/
I need the ability to work uncompressed HD-SDI in and out. Enought storage
for 90 min programme plus render space.
Reliable and stable.
Have all the off board stuff already (have a full blown DS suite)
So have decks plus monitoring.
I want the system to be fast with minimal rendering.
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