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Re: ok... new PD-150 question

Posted by soundwhiz on 10/06/85 11:32

The PD-150, is one of the worst camcorders in terms of sound and you
will have many serious problems of various kind in the future,starting
from buzz,LF distortion ,low playback levels etc
a better bet would be PD-170,
in terms of audio, PANASONIC camcorders scores any day over SONY in any
conditions anywhere.
My two cents

Matt wrote:
> "Jack P" <vidpro40@optonlineDOT.netX> wrote in message
> news:_wpff.77575$rE2.28721@fe10.lga...
> > The first signs of worn video Heads in the PD 150 and VX2000 are droputs
> > in the audio and of course small hits and dropouts in the video. I paid
> > over $600 to have new video heads put in my VX2000.
> > Now it works like a new camera again.
> >
> >
> That's what I'm figuring out after an extensive Google search. The only
> reason I didn't suspect this at first was the fact that it happened over
> night. I guess I'll be sending it off to Sony for maintenance (they said
> they'd do a complete refurb for $575). Btu my main problem now is that I
> can't afford the two week minimum downtime... especially since my edit suite
> self destructed a couple of weeks ago as well... when it rains, it pours!



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