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Re: The Best RealTime Video Capture Card

Posted by Richard Crowley on 10/03/60 11:32

ashamshiri wrote ...
> I would say for the video card about $2000-$3000 is what
> I am looking for.

What are you doing with it? Are you capturing from old tapes
(where you would likely need external processing equipment
like TimeBase Correctors and video ProcAmps, etc.) The
A\D converter (capture card) is NOT the whole show.

Are you doing high-definition or some high-quality program
material where you would be using uncompressed video encoding
and storage? Have you budgeted several thousand $$$$ more
for disc storage space.

Are you capturing from a digital source (like a DV or DVCpro
or DVCAM)? In that case, a $15 firewire card will likely do
as well as the most expensive one you can find.



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