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Re: Panasonic GS120 Camcorder sound problem

Posted by Ty Ford on 11/26/05 14:34

On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 05:40:43 -0500, Rob J wrote
(in article <>):

> These miniDV camcorders have an input for an external (stereo) mic. That
> is the input to use if you want to drive it from an external sound
> source while recording onto tape in camera mode.
> I have tried this a couple of times, using a computer audio cable
> plugged into the external mic jack, but the sound was ruined by a very
> loud hum.
> As the camcorder was running off its own battery in one case, it could
> not be an audio hum loop, and the source device was not producing the
> hum.
> Any ideas?

Yes, you were probably trying to plug a mono mic into a stereo input. Don't
do that.

Ty Ford

-- Ty Ford's equipment reviews, audio samples, rates and other audiocentric
stuff are at



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