Posted by Ty Ford on 11/30/05 14:49
On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 12:50:25 -0500, mmaker@my-deja.com wrote
(in article <1133286625.457068.142550@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>):
> Nappy wrote:
>> I intensly dislike the audio of the Z1U.
> Out of interest, why? Sounds fine to me, and with the least background
> noise of any cheap camera that I've used: I've never heard better sound
> from a cheap camera than from my Z1.
> Mark
Hey Mark,
If it's fine for you, buddy, just ignore us. But don't bust our chops about
it when we state facts. We just see and hear differently.
Ty Ford
-- Ty Ford's equipment reviews, audio samples, rates and other audiocentric
stuff are at www.tyford.com
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