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Tsunami MPEG Media Editor with HDV

Posted by Smarty on 12/03/05 19:51

As a devoted fan of the Tsunami TMPGE and TMPGE DVD Author, I downloaded the
new Trial Version of the Tsunami MPEG Editor, which recently added HDV
editing among other new features.

Much to my utter disappointment and surprise, this program now truly stinks.

The time required to open an HDV file is painfully slow. A 5 minute 22
second clip (1GB file size) took about 14 minutes to open. That's not the
bad news..........

The bad news is that editing is essentially impossible, since the scrubbing
time line never seems to catch up with the scrolling frames. Whenever you
move back and forth in the video, the program pauses for many seconds and
then puts up an error message "Playback cannot catch up with Timeline". As
an editing tool, it fails miserably compared to Vegas, Video Studio 9, FCP,
or even iMovie on a MacMini...........

This post is merely a warning to others that this new Tsunami program has
some serious issues. I have contacted them via their support site, and asked
if there is anything I can do to fix this. Their email support says to
expect a response in a week.......

I am running the trial on a 3.4 GHz Dell Hyperthreaded P4 desktop with 2.5
GB of RAM.




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