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Re: 80's horror film production.

Posted by Lunatic Candy Phr3ak on 12/08/05 23:51

On Thu, 08 Dec 2005 07:19:48 -0600, none <> wrote:

Thank you so much, this is exactly the kind of pointers I was looking
for. And thanks for recommending the Mini DV, I wanted to get one, but
wasn't sure if it would be adequate enough.

Thanks again,

>On Thu, 08 Dec 2005 02:19:52 GMT, Lunatic Candy Phr3ak
><> wrote:
>>Hi, Me and my friends (particularly me) are obsessed with 80's style
>>horror films (I.e. Terror Train, Prom Night, Evil Dead, ect.), and we
>>want to do a little project to recreate a 80's style horror films. As
>>for the writing, scripting, editing, camera angles, ect, we can pretty
>>much mimic from some of our favorite horror films. The only problem
>>is, we don't know where to start, as in what type of camera or film we
>>should use, what microphones, what software, recipes for blood and
>>gore, the technical stuff. If anyone could help out, it would be
>>greatly appreciated. He he, We're also college students, so we don't
>>have allot of money.
>Try the above links for starters.
>Your questions are a tad general as there's quite a bit to learn about
>film in general and working in the horror genre in particular.
>If your just starting out and on a tight budget go with an inexpensive
>minidv camera.(single chip for starters as your initial efforts will
>likely be rough.)
>Every so often someone who has a site devoted to indie horror posts on
>this group, someone else here might still have the url and be willling
>to post it for you.
>Fake blood is easy Karo syrup with lots of red food dye.
>Try your local costume shop for makeup for scars,cuts, slashes
>etc...(can also be gotten around halloween time at your local
>department store.)
>If you are mechanically able or know someone who is you can make most
>of the hardware you'll need. Lights, mike booms etc...
>Just ask here, most of us make much of our own equipment and
>everyone's got tips on how they did it.



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