Posted by Ty Ford on 12/18/05 15:46
On Sun, 18 Dec 2005 08:59:02 -0500, Rayne wrote
(in article <1134914342.105991.218370@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>):
> Hi all,
> Im working on a budget for my OB kit for next year. I need some advice
> on lavaliere (tie) mics: Im looking for some mics that have a really
> small reception envelope so that the mic picks up (as much as possible)
> the speaker and only the speaker. i've had loads of problems with this
> in the past where, barking dogs and vehicles passing by are all picked
> up by the tie mics (which makes for a lot of cleaning work). Any
> advice? My kit needs to be as light as possible, so travelling with a
> Mixing desk (current setup) for gain control is not ideal.
> Thanks
> M
You can't get thee from here. Just yell "QUIET ON THE SET" a bit louder.
Ty Ford
-- Ty Ford's equipment reviews, audio samples, rates and other audiocentric
stuff are at www.tyford.com
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