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Nero Vision: Menu Creation

Posted by on 12/21/05 02:46

I confess I am a complete newbie, so do excuse me if I am asking a very
dumb question.
I have searched the forums and groups but cant get any satisfactory
I will be very grateful or any advice...

I have a about 13 home ".mpeg 2" files and intend to write them on a
dvd+r using Nero Vision Express 3. I have been successful in making a
menu system on the Nero Vision Express burning it on a dvd+r. The
difficulty I am having is that the Dvd continues on to the next mpeg 2
file soon after the file I chose to view is over.


I want to have the main menu show me links to the 13 files (not
necessarily on one screen) and if I select a file, I would like the
dvd to return to the main menu after playing the selected file and not
go on to the next file on the dvd. (something like what is seen on a
dvd which has 2 or 3 movies on it; after the finish of each movie, you
are returned to the main selection screen)

Please help..
Stuck and may loose my sanity...



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