Posted by Danne on 12/30/05 08:46
"Richard Crowley" <rcrowley@xpr7t.net> skrev i meddelandet
> "Danne" wrote ...
>> I have now work with Premiere Elements 2 and it works very well,
>> exept for one issue. I can not capure from the firewire. PE2 says
>> that the camera is offline even if PE2 can control the camera.
>> There is no audio or picure in PE2, only on the CAM.
> This is the licenced version, not the free demo?
> ...
>> (I have used WMM to capure, then scenalyser to spit the file into
>> scenes, then done the work in PE2.
> Why not just use Scenalyzer to capture (and create automatic
> clip files, etc.)
I have been using the free version of Scenalyser but found that I have
a sound issue when using the chain WMM ->Scenalyser ->PE2. There are
some audio drop out that are not in the CAM. I do not know where the
problem are, WMM ?, Scenalyser ? PE2 ?.
The free version of Scenalyser can not capture. PE2 does not work in
capture. The only program that I have that can capure is WMM but then
I have the audio drop out.
PE2 should be able to caputure. Before bying PE2 i did test PE1 (At
that point there were no demo of PE2) and that worked without any
problem. I Have also tested the free demo version of Canopus/Lets
edit. It will also work.
I am not interested in paying more for another program just to
capture, PE2 should handle that.
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