Posted by Richard Crowley on 10/01/24 11:37
"P.C. Ford" wrote ...
> I'm on a pc, 2.8, good Asus board, 1 gig memory.. Premiere 6
> Having audio drops on playback of tape. Timeline plays fine. Sounds
> fine when exporting to tape. But when played back has drops!!!!
> Cleaned heads on recorder, changed recorder still same.
> Aaaaack! Have to have project done by weekend. Have to output my work
> and take it to editor...
> Any ideas???
Installed anything recently?
Updated anything recently?
Connected to LAN?
Connected to internet?
Other things running?
I'd certainly disconnect any network connections
and stop all network processes.
I'd use End-it-All (or whatever that newer thing
is that replaces it) to kill off any extraneous
processes, and of course don't use the computer
for anything else while exporting.
You you hear gaps while exporting/recording?
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