Posted by doc on 01/24/06 00:29
Personally I think it says a lot for Liquid Edition for Avid to put LE in
the Avid line and not leave it as a Pinnacle brand product. Sure they
picked up Pinnacle, but they didn't roll Studio into Avid, but they did LE.
What's that say? Liquid fits comfortably in their philosophy of "all in
one" pro tools. And that it is. We looked at Adobe and Apple and our
competitor took the Apple route. They had over 5 years experience in film
and editing and we had 3 months. We got the job! We were up and running in
6 weeks, and still learning . . but . . LE was easy to learn and lots of
helps from groups and folks using it. That's really more important than the
company's product. After all, if I have someone's software and there is
only a handful of people using it, will I be able to make my clients project
or still be reading and figuring? Our competitor actually called us and
asked us how to use their Apple product(s) to convert our clients programs
because they hadn't worked with the format. For us, we simply imported and
dropped it on the timeline and it worked without the need of external
programs, conversion processes, etc. LE is the "all in one" solution and
that made us happy.
Does it have bugs? Show me software that dosen't when pushing software,
processors, hardware, and whatever to the limit to make things happen. Tell
me you've used M$ Windows and its' never crashed for ya and I'll tell ya
that now I know where the comments are coming from. Know what I mean?
"Specs" <No.Spam@Thanks.com> wrote in message
>> Whatever you call it, it is STILL Avid.
> To substantiate your claim please list the similarities that Liquid 7
> shares
> with ANY Avid product other than the letters on the box. Please, fire
> away....
>> Wow... 90% of Hollywood use it.
> So 90% of Hollywood use Liquid 7 do they? No didn't think so. The 90% is
> completely unsubstantiatable and is often rolled by the Koolaid drinkers
> to
> avoid the embarassing fact for Avid that in the broadcast market their
> position of closed shop has been broken. I only used Avid because I had
> little choice now I have excellent tools at our disposal that I can
> offline/online/finish and deliver any SD and HD format a client might wish
> for. All for the fraction that an equivalent Avid suite would cost and
> have
> tighter integration to boot.
> Do I have an agenda? Yes, to stay in business....
> But clearly you are in a different business to me.
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