Posted by Richard Crowley on 01/24/06 19:00
"peter" wrote ...
> Could someone suggest something similar that would clamp to a tube up to
> 3.5-inch diameter? Also, if the clamp portion can rotate 90 degree so it
> can clamp to the vertical tubes of the railing, that would be even more
> better. It doesn't have to be bogen brand; I'm looking for something
> cheap, like under $200.
Check into a "Mafer clamp" which is used by lighting/grip people.
Matthews has some refurbished ones for sale at ~half price ($21)
http://www.msegrip.com and serarch for: mafer
I think I'll order a few for myself.
Or maybe a pipe clamp like the kind used for making scaffold
assemblies, etc. Or a vise-grip with the chain like this...
OTOH, in similar circumstances, I have obtained permission to
lash (duct-tape) my tripod to the railing pipes, sometimes inside
(on the side where you are standing), and sometimes on the
outside (assuming there is enough of a lip projecting to catch
at least one of the feet.) In a big municipal auditorium, they
made me also tie-off the camera with a separate piece of
sash cord (light rope) so the camera couldn't drop on some-
body's head below if it came loose from the head/tripod.
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