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Re: How many MBs for 1 hour of Sony 1080i HDV?

Posted by David McCall on 01/26/06 21:17

"Ty Ford" <> wrote in message
> There's a big difference between HDV and HD video. Try a swish pan or
> shoot a
> basketball game and find out for yourself.
Are you are talking about the motion looking jumpy? If so;

Have YOU tried a swish pan in other HD formats and liked the result?

How about with film camera?

As far as I know the only way to get anything that looks smooth
with such a low frame rate is to:

Pan fairly slow.

Track a fast moving subject with the purpose of the pan being
to keep the subject stable within the frame.

Have any fast moving subjects move either towards or away from the camera.

I have not played with HDV so you might be talking about blockyness
and other image artifacts like you get with most heavily compressed
formats, and the solution remains as above.




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