Posted by William Davis on 01/30/06 23:24
In article <43de40d6$0$3621$ed2e19e4@ptn-nntp-reader04.plus.net>,
"Specs" <No.Spam@Thanks.com> wrote:
> > > You see, I wouldn't think compression would have anything
> > > to do with it either, but I think it is the compression that make
> > > Ty reject it as an HD format.
> >
> > That and Spec's particularly abusive style of communication. :)
> > I'm writing that last post off Spec. I'm going to take it that you were
> > having a bad day.
> >
> I won't be writing off any of your posts. I want you to substantiate your
> claims that HDV is not HD. You won't simply be able to not answer the
> question.
> > But seriously folks....There's a whole nother aspect of the compression
> game
> > and that's what happens when you shoot highly compressed anything. Say you
> > finish your piece, it may get sent to who knows where..maybe a TV station
> or
> > satellite uplink. The TV station may have a STL (Studio to Transmitter
> link)
SNIP the bad smelling copy...
> Sorry you took my direct style of writing to be abusive. Let me say this
> directly to you. Ty, I think you talk out of your arse and you are not
> convincing in the slightest.
I know people here used to mock me a bit when I rambled on so much about
how using handles" on usenet degraded the level of the discussion - but
this exchange is a pretty good example of my point.
We have Ty, Martin, and others posting under their own names, working
hard at keeping things civil, taking responsibility for the content and
TONE of what they write - and others posting under handles, getting
pissy and running off at the keyboard knowing that if they say something
ignorant or mean-spritied, all they have to do is go away, change
identities, and slink back.
Typical usenet BS.
Ty, as a very long time r.v.p. neighbor, let me apologize for the
degeneration of this thread.
I know you're here in good faith trying to learn as much about pro video
as you already know about professional audio.
Illigitimus non-carborendum - (if I remember my famous latin epithets
Take care.
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