Posted by Specs on 01/31/06 07:11
"Ty Ford" <tyreeford@comcast.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:38:08 -0500, Specs wrote
> (in article <43de40d6$0$3621$ed2e19e4@ptn-nntp-reader04.plus.net>):
> >
> > Sorry you took my direct style of writing to be abusive. Let me say
> > directly to you. Ty, I think you talk out of your arse and you are not
> > convincing in the slightest.
> Well Spec, thanks for sharing. In doing so your tells us scads more about
> yourself than you might realize.
> Always a real pleasure,
> Ty Ford
I hope one day you find a format that will render fast pans in super hi-def
for you or failing that someone teaches you how to operate a camera.
You've been found out. You are a charlatan......
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