Posted by David McCall on 01/31/06 18:12
<mmaker@my-deja.com> wrote in message
> David McCall wrote:
>> Being able
>> to easily scrub BAD takes and having the pre-record feature is damn nice.
> Why would anyone in their right mind want to 'scrub BAD takes'? Other
> than to compensate for the fact that they've chosen to shoot on
> expensive memory cards rather than $2 DV tapes?
> I've often used short sequences from 'bad takes' while editing, or even
> footage from before 'action' was called... within limits, the more
> footage you have the better once you get to editing. I've never, ever
> felt an urge to record over a 'bad take': but then I don't shoot on
> formats that cost thousands of dollars a minute.
What format would be "thousands of dollars a minute"?
Different people have different styles of working.
I have no issue with the approach of saving everything, and
did it that way for several decades.
There can be an advantage to clearing out useless material
so you don't ever have to see it again. Perhaps you've never
accidentally shot minutes of your feet while moving to the next
position, but that would qualify as something you never need
to see twice. I'm sure we can think of others :-)
Of course the hazard of deleting material, or selectively
bumping material to hard drives to free up P2 cards, is that
you could accidentally delete stuff that you will later wish
you had kept.
As for the $2 DV tape. Sony and JVC both make HDV cameras
that will work with those. I just liked the quality of the HVX-200
when I saw it, and was very interested in being able to get
DVCPro-50&100 without buying yet another very expensive
recorder and having to deal with more tape. I'm sick of
half a century of tapes and tubes, and am ready to move on.
Perhaps that is a sick position, but it's mine :-)
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