Posted by blackburst@aol.com on 10/05/19 11:39
If it works (which is to say, it doesn't "eat" tapes, a common 3/4"
problem), it could be valuable. These decks are getting hard to come
by, hard to find replacement parts. There are lots of old 3/4" archives
out there dying to be transferred to digital, and they need a source
deck to do it.
I'm lucky in that I still have 6 working Sony 5000 or 7000 seried
decks. Hey, I still have a 5800, 5850 and RM-440 that work for editing!
It's like most old video formats: They have an intrinsic value, and
SOMEBODY will need one someday for dubbing.
Anybody want to trade a working 1/2" black and white reel-to-reel deck
for a working VP-7020? I have some old 1/2" tapes I'd love to dub...
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