Posted by kaboom on 09/27/06 11:30
On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 14:57:12 -0400, Stan Brown
<the_stan_brown@fastmail.fm> wrote:
>Thu, 27 Oct 2005 18:10:15 -0400 from kaboom
>> **I found this at nausicaa.com and thought some of you might find it
>> interesting:
>(Snip descriptions of TV shows)
>You posted this in two newsgroups where it's not relevant; why on
>earth did you do that instead of posting in rec.arts.tv where it
>would be relevant?
**Is it because I don't subscribe to rec.arts.tv and don't even know
it exists? And, quite frankly, information on popular movies is not
that far off-topic on a DVD NG.
The previous post in this NG (dvd.titles) asked about My Neighbor
Totoro so I posted this to inform that poster as well as others.
Sometimes NGs and their posters form a community and you just want to
inform them (your friends) of something they (based on previous posts)
will be interested in. I've garnered a lot of info about anime on the
alt.video.dvd group and thought I post some info there for others who
have helped me in the past. That makes it relevant for the community
of that NG.
>Even worse, you didn't even crosspost, you posted separate articles.
**Because crossposting is not good netiquette? The TOS for Giganews
(Comcast) says, "The majority of binary groups and almost all text
groups, however, discourage any form of crossposting." I prefer not to
do it at all even if the groups are related because if it wasn't you
whining about not crossposting, it would be some other netcop crying
about that fact that I did crosspost. Many posters don't like being
surprised that their posts are ending up in places other than the
original NG that they are answering in.
The only thing more irrelevant than my post is your's.
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