Posted by kaboom on 09/27/62 11:30
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 02:20:14 GMT, jayembee
<jayembeenospam@snurcher.com> wrote:
>kaboom <kaboomicus@NOSPAMyahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Even worse, you didn't even crosspost, you posted separate articles.
>> **Because crossposting is not good netiquette? The TOS for Giganews
>> (Comcast) says, "The majority of binary groups and almost all text
>> groups, however, discourage any form of crossposting."
>I think you're obeying the letter rather than the spirit. Posting the same
>message separately in separate newsgroups is really no different than
>crossposting. Except in one significant area: if you post the same message
>separately to three different groups, there are three separate copies of the
>message being passed around the net. If you crosspost to three different
>groups, there's only one copy.
**Hi jayembee and Jeff. I understand what both of you are saying and
you're correct but I'm also not completely wrong either (letter of the
law vs spirit). I'm not a mega-poster, I only posted 2 little info
posts to inform people of the movies being shown, not to garner
replies or start up a big thread on anime. In the vastness of the
Usenet, you both know what an absolute tiny drop in the ocean this is
and was not even remotely worthy of Stan wasting the time to crank
about it. His original point was whether or not my post was relevant,
he threw in crossposting to be bitchy. In a 3-post a day (if that) NG
like dvd.titles, that's being needlessly picayune.
Main point being: I don't believe that my post was that far off-topic
for video.dvd or the video.dvd community who I know can be big anime
fans. In dvd.titles, I was expanding on a reply to Liz who had
inquired about some titles.
>> Many posters don't like being surprised that their posts are ending up
>> in places other than the original NG that they are answering in.
>People who don't pay attention to the header to see where their post
>is going have no right to complain.
**True but it happens and flames result.
Defiant vs Whitestar, anyone? ;)
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