Posted by P Pron on 02/03/06 02:02
Stan Brown wrote:
|| [This followup was posted to rec.video.dvd.titles and a copy was sent
|| to the cited author.]
|| Thu, 02 Feb 2006 13:28:42 GMT from DVD User
|| <Alan_Sommerville@hotmail.com>:
||| Do not use this website unless you are CERTAIN they can offer you a
||| code for your player.
|| You posted the same message separately to alt.video.dvd. I'll assume
|| your motives are good, but that doesn't justify spam-like behavior.
|| Never post the same message more than once. If a message legitimately
|| belongs in more than one group -- and yours is a good candidate, IMHO
|| -- then crosspost it, don't multipost.
|| http://oakroadsystems.com/genl/unice.htm#xpost
|| --
|| Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
|| http://OakRoadSystems.com/
I have no idea whether your advice is correct "netiquette" or not, but it
seems to me that there is a flaw in it.
Another NG which I participate in was subjected to horrendous "troll"
attacks a while ago, with all of the offending messages being cross-posted
to over a dozen NGs. Many people filtered out the rogue postings by setting
their news readers *not* to download any cross-posted messages. If this is a
widespread remedy for such attacks, then your recommendation means that many
people wishing to avoid cross-posting trolls would also miss seeing messages
of interest....
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