Posted by Ray Fischer on 08/29/05 04:00
Mark <mjmorgan(lowest even number here)@cox..net> wrote:
>"Joe" <dont@spam.me> wrote in message
>> > When the programmer designs a program to do something s/he should know
>> >what s/he wants the program to do, and what hardware to support his/her
>> >program.
>> As everyone has been telling you, you have no idea what you're talking
>> about. No offense intended, but if the original poster's printer is
>> unable to print all the way to the margin, then no software, real or
>> imagined, is going to suddenly be able to give it that capability.
>As I have told everyone that I do know what I am talking about.
It is common for ignorant idiots to insist that they more than they
do and pretend that the fault lies with everybody else.
> I don't
>care what the oroginal poster posted or wanted, the *main* thing that get
>the requirement then go from there.
>Example, I have told you more than once *but* you still don't get it,
You babble nonsense.
Ray Fischer
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