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Re: Panasonic ES20 signal quality

Posted by HamNCheese on 09/27/29 11:31

>I have seen this very complaint about the Panasonic DVDR before in
>these forums. Take it back and get an ILO DVDR05MU (not ZU) from
>WalMart for $99.

Sounds like its a design flaw. I read the following on a customer
website review. I may still try exchanging the unit for another of
the same model; this may be one of these issues where it varied from
unit to unit.


Like most home units of this type, the ES20 has a built-in cooling
fan. It is barely audible, if at all. However, it is "visible": you
can see RF noise from the power supply in your viewing and recording,
especially in night or dimly lighted scenes. The noise is in the form
of creeping gray bars that go up, down, slow, and fast, depending on
the cooling fan's speed. When the fan is really slow or steady, the
creepy bars fade away, replaced by a mild kind of static "frying" that
you can see if you turn the machine on but turn the inpit signal off
(that is, plug your cable box or any other source into an ES20 video
input, tune into that input, but turn the cable box or VCR, etc., off.
On the blank screen you'll see more than you ever wanted to know about
the cooling fan). I can't fault the ES20 for this, becasue most home
units work exactly the same way in this regard, and some are worse.
Too bad manufacturers can't afford the 10-cent capacitors that solve
this problem.




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