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Re: Ritek DVD Media

Posted by Humbug on 10/23/81 11:33

"When I make a word do a lot of work like that," said Paul Heslop
<>, "I always pay it extra."

>I'm british. I've done a little searching, very tired again, but one
>site has ritek GO5 printables for £9.35p for 50 and TY printables are
>£11.48p for TWENTY FIVE!!! hence more expensive and less of them.
>100 Ritek GO5 = £16.16, BEST TY price was £38.72 for 100, these prices
>are all without VAT by the way.
>Yes, I know there are supposedly other brands using TY die etc but you
>may be sending a complete novice searching for something which could
>turn out to be a pile of crap.

I just got 100 Ritek 8x DVD+R printables from Valuemedia for 18p each,
which cost just over £25 including postage and VAT.

So far I've had good results burning with a NEC ND-2510A and printing
with an Epson R220.

But - today I tried burning on another computer with an LG GSA-4163B
and it made coasters :-(

ISTR seeing something about a firmware upgrade being required to use
these Ritek disks, but I can't find it on either the LG or Ritek

Can anybody give me a clue?




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