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Re: Fully Software-Decoded Blu-ray Disc Player - Driven by Cell Processor

Posted by Mr. X on 09/29/75 11:37

"Alpha" <> wrote in message
> They are not going to be able to produce this hardware in the near term at
> the price point they suggest without huge financial loses. Blu Ray keeps
> getting moved forward (some even claim it will not be consumer ready at
> price point until 2007) and HD DVD is now taking orders on

The last 2 generations of consoles have been sold at a huge loss. There's
very strong evidence that the Xbox never turned a net profit. Sony is
desparate to regain marketshare control and they are already expected to
sell the PS3 below cost and make it up on game licences. It only makes
sense for them to make it up on movie licences too. This is their strategy.
M$ finally realized that and now they're going around trying to bribe, I
mean offering incentives to others to use HD-DVD even though the 360 doesn't
have an HD-DVD drive and their stupid non-existant add-on will cost as much
to make as a stand alone unit.

From an implimentation standpoint HD-DVD was the obvious choice and would
have dominated the market if they had shipped it *last year* and the Xbox360
had included it. But it didn't and it doesn't. They blundered terribly
from a strategic standpoint. Why this matters to us is long protracted
battles suck for everyone. If HD-DVD have moved properly to achive early
victory it would be easier for everyone. Instead not only will we have 2
formats but the nature of Blu-Ray is that it can't be pressed on existing
equipment and is fundamentally more expensive to produce meaning higher
prices and/or lower profits for years to come. That said, there are
millions of people who will buy a PS3 and they are much more likey to buy
Blu-Ray movies than to buy an additional stand alone HD-DVD player and
HD-DVD movies.

Myself, I'd rather see a smaller holographic memory system but how long will
we wait for that? LOL




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