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Re: DVD Decryptor?

Posted by Netmask on 02/02/06 02:52

"GMAN" <> wrote in message
> In article <drmu85$t8v$>, ck183@FreeNet.Carleton.CA
> (Brendan R. Wehrung) wrote:
>>"Adrian" ( writes:
>>> Owlman wrote:
>>>> I see many people mentioning DVD Decryptor. Where do you find this
>>>> software? I can't seem to find it.
>>>> Stan
>>> You can't have looked very well, the first hit with Google gives you
>>> this:
>>This software is no longer available, this page is stored for archival
>>puposes only.
>>On 1st of January, 2006, a new copyright legislation came into force in
>>Finland that made it illegal to distribute tools that allow circumvention
>>of technical copy protections. The legislation was approved by Finnish
>>parliament and was based on European Union Copyright Directive, a law that
>>each EU member state has to implement to their national legislations.
> Dont you europeans just love having an overlord type system where they
> force
> your specific countries legislature to roll over.

It's really not that much different to what happens in Federal systems like
Australia and the USA. Australian States are technically sovereign but
their laws must not be in conflict with Federal law - I think it is much the
same in the USA . You have a Supreme Court to adjudicate we have a High
Court... Europe is very slowly evolving into a Federal system.
Actually it all started with Cardinal Richelieu in France in the 1600's with
the destruction of wall cities and the creation of France as a real nation,
that was one of the historical events that started the ball rolling towards
centralisation.. not new!!



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