Posted by Bill G on 08/28/05 18:29
On Sun, 28 Aug 2005 14:48:03 GMT, spam@uce.gov (Bob) wrote:
>On Sun, 28 Aug 2005 13:08:53 GMT, Bill G <niobrara969@none.invalid>
>>I don't have a link handy, but I've read
>>reviews of PC's with at least three Hauppauge dual-tuner cards
>>installed, recording 6 standard-def TV programs at the same time.
>Does anyone else make dual tuner cards?
>>My guess is that manufacturers aren't willing to increase the cost to
>>cover a dual tuner setup when their market research indicates not
>>enough people would pay extra for the feature. Personally, I'd love to
>>have a quad-tuner model if they offered it.
>I don't have cable so I am limited to broadcast shows.
>>>In time when the price drops you could own 2 DVD recorders, just like
>>>people owning more than one VHS recorder then 2 programs coulfd be
>>>recorded at once.
>I can get a Panasonic 4-head VCR for $50. I have two VCRs of different
>vintages now but one is crapping out from excessive use. So I can
>replace it with one Panasonic for $50.
>I would be willing to pay up to $100 for a dual tuner HDD recorder.
>They can keep the DVD - I have enough of those around here to start a
>recording studio.
>I am beginning to think the time has come to build a computer to do
>the task. I assume tuner card come with scheduler software or else it
>is pretty much useless.
>Has anyone been involved in such a project?
Not me, (yet), but I'm leaning toward the Snapstream "Medusa" project
mentioned at these links. This is what I was thinking of when I
replied above but didn't have links handy.
Build your own 6-tuner Medusa PVR
Buy all of the required hardware in a bundle for < $500
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