Posted by Bill G on 09/29/67 11:28
On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 19:12:08 GMT, spam@uce.gov (Bob) wrote:
>On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 16:54:49 GMT, Bill G <niobrara969@none.invalid>
>>>>I don't share your apparent view that electronic goods manufactured in
>>>>Asia are crap.
>>>But that's the only place they are manufactured.
>>Even if that were true, and it's not,
>OK, name some other significant locations where popular consumer
>electronics are made. Be sure to indicate the volume of such
>manufacturers and compare to those in Asia. Unless you can do that,
>your statement has no credibility.
You made the incredible claim, not me. Do your own research.
>>how would that support his
>>apparent belief that electronic goods manufactured in Asia are crap?
>I did not intend to support his claim.
Then I have no idea what your purpose was.
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