Posted by Bill McCutcheon on 01/24/06 18:56
<anetpayne@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Philips DVDR 890 DVD Recorder and Sharp VHS VC-H710 Recorder
> My name is Anet and I'm needing some serious advise. I am a keen
> surfer and I have a extensive collection of old surf video's. I am
> wanting to preserve these video's by transferring them to DVD. I am
> successful with some but others send Macrovision signals to my Philips
> DVDR 890 DVD Recorder (message Copyright Protection).
> I would like to know if anyone has suggestions to Codes to be entered
> into either of the Recorders, Philips DVDR 890 DVD Recorder or Sharp
> VHS VC-H710 Recorder to disable the Copyright Protection.
> Or does anyone know of a VHS Video Player or Recorder that does not
> play the Macrovision.
> If anyone has suggestion, advise or other sites to visit I would be
> most interested.
> Thanks Anet
You can usually remove Macrovision analog copy protection with a "video
stabilizer." These are not expensive: US $25-35. HOWEVER, commercial
tapes may also carry digital copy protection, which cannot be defeated so
-- Bill McC.
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