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Re: Instant playback???

Posted by Bill's News on 02/12/06 19:22

Bill Vermillion wrote:
> In article <>,
> <Harry@no.spam> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The club I work in has full contact boxing type fights once
>> in a while, and we have three camera positions recording
>> them. We want to have instant reply type capability, but
>> all that looks too expensive. Are there any resonably
>> inexpensive ways of doing it?
> Since you have 3 cameras it makes things a bit more of a challenge.
> Reading the specs on the Hauppauge 500 series card - which has two
> tuners - it also indicates it has headers for two A/V inputs. You
> can put several of these cards into a PC for direct recording to a
> hard drive.
> So two cards should be able to give you 4 A/V inputs. WIth
> a decent sized hard drives you'd be able to record the video
> continually from all three cameras.
> However I do not know if the system will support replay from the
> channel you are recording while you are recording to give you the
> instant replay effect.

The brief description says:
"... full PVR capabilities. Pause live TV, replay and skip forward,
all while your other TV show continues to be recorded to your PC's
hard disk ." Poorly written - but basically the same words used for
the single tuner PVR products.

I get the feeling, from the product description, that Hauppauge is
providing no software for the 500 - rather, they are claiming it only
runs under one of the 3rd party media software packages - specifically

Also, I happen to have both H250 and USB2 capture devices - when I
plug the USB2 into the system with the H250 installed, the Win2KTV app
only sees the USB2. But I don't know whether it only sees the "last
device" installed - or searches for USB before internal. There is no
way that I can find in the capture program to select a device.

Whether the 3rd party apps can "see" more than one dual-tuner 500 is

At worst, however, using the 500 would then require only 2 pcs and
some way of selecting which replay video is to be projected. If this
is the case, then 2 HDD dual tuner PVR recorders (the analog, digital,
HDTV Motorola for example - which can playback from either input
stream or a pre-recorded stream while recording from both tuners) and
a switch to select the PVR source to playback may be quite a bit
cheaper than a PC solution. And probably a lot safer than dealing
with Media Center!

> You might want to check into that. It looks like it could be the
> cheapest way to get what you want/need.



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